The first step in any construction or land development project is detail-oriented and demanding lot clearing work.

Lot clearing involves much more than just cutting down trees as it is an entire process developed to remove debris of all kinds and leave the land ready for excavation and building.

To understand the process and why it is so important to use a professional lot clearing service before starting your next project, this brief explanation should help.

What Is The Purpose of Professional Lot Clearing?

At the start of any new land development project no matter how the land will be used, lot clearing is always the first step.

Most obviously, this first step in the preparation of any site involves taking down any trees, brush, and other vegetation; however, there is a great deal more to it than just that.

Lot clearing work must remove stones and boulders from site, pull out tree roots that could affect the construction process later, and remove any other debris or structures from the property as needed, leaving a clean and clear worksite.

Once the site has been cleared, it can then be graded as required and development can begin.

How Is Professional Lot Clearing Done?

To do it right, lot clearing services utilize a lot of heavy machinery clearing even smaller lots.

Beyond the equipment necessary to remove trees such as bulldozers and hydro axes, these services also use bush hoggers to mow down brush, weeds, grasses, and other surface vegetation.

Front end loaders are also used to lift large rocks and other heavy debris from the site as well as to push or pull stumps out of the ground.

Then, once all surface and below-ground debris is removed, it is all loaded up and carried off the site for disposal.

The cleared site is then graded using bulldozers and any holes from removed stumps are filled so the land is ready for use.

What Factors Affect the Cost of Lot Clearing?

As simple as lot clearing may appear to be, the range in cost can be wide depending on the specific conditions and what is ultimately involved in performing the necessary lot clearing work:

  • Weather Conditions - Weather can affect the clearing process, making it easier or harder depending on conditions, and more or less costly as a result. Wet weather and softer ground can be easier for clearing while dry ground can be harder and dustier; however, mud can slow things down exponentially.
  • Starting Land Conditions - In addition to weather concerns, the cost of lot clearing work is also dependent on things like the density of vegetation, how much debris needs to be removed, the topography of the land, how difficult the access is, and other conditions that will affect time and difficulty.
  • Amount of Debris - The more debris that has to be removed from a lot, the longer clearing will take. Similarly, the more debris that is collected, the more expensive hauling it away and paying for disposal will be.
  • Local and Environmental Regulations - Before starting to clear, lot clearing services and/or landowners must obtain any locally required permits. It is also essential to inquire about any applicable regulations such as clearing near water supplies, leaving behind certain trees, growing grass on cleared areas, and others, all of which can add time and expense to the job.

Hire A Professional Lot Clearing Service

Lot clearing is the foundation step for any land development or construction project and the basis of a good turnout for that project.

Though it involves a simple idea of removing all vegetation and debris from the land to clear the way for building, achieving that in the most precise and least destructive way requires the expertise of a professional lot clearing service.

Avoid the costly problems that can result if you skimp on this step and keep your lot clearing work economical by hiring only an experienced professional with the required knowledge and equipment needed to do the job right!

Need Lot Clearing in Huntsville Texas?

Contact JWhit Construction For Experienced Lot Clearing Services

Call (936) 213-3385 to Find Out More!